Famous Last Words: Nearing the End


This week I am doing this for extra credit just to get ahead in the class a bit. I am graduating in a little over a month, so that faster I can finish a class, the better. I really have enjoyed this class so far and it is definitely my favorite class I am taking this semester. I was able to take all electives this semester so none of my classes are too difficult. This is the most interesting class by far though. So far in this class, my favorite thing is the story book project. I really have learned a lot about my topic (OU Ghost Stories). I have always been interested in ghosts so it is really neat to me that I get to research and write about ghosts that haunt the buildings I am near every day. I also have really enjoyed reading other peoples story books. It is neat to go back each week and see the progress that my class mates are making. While this class is not in person and I do not personally know my fellow class mates, I feel like I do know them in a way because we read one another thoughts and stories so often. This week we read about Native American mythology and folklore which overlaps with two classes I am taking right now. I am also enrolled in Native American Music and Kiowa 3. In my Kiowa class I did my research project over "Kiowa Storytelling". I was able to use my knowledge from both this class and Native American Music for that project so that was really cool to me. I tell my friends and my family about this class and how unique it is. It stands out from others in many different ways and I am so glad that I decided to take this class!
