Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 1. So far, I have found most of the feedback I get on my stories very helpful. I enjoy reading what my classmates have to say about my work and it makes me happy to see that they enjoy my work as well. I think the most helpful thing is when people make suggestions on what I could do to make my stories more interesting. 

2. I like using different methods of feedback depending on the story type. I try to tell my classmates things I liked about the story, any questions I had about the story, and what if I had any suggestions for them. 

3. I like connecting with others in this class. It makes an online class better by being able to engage with others. I have found people in this class who I have a lot in common with and I even found someone who knows my little sisters so that is super cool. 

4. I think the feedback assignments so stay the same. I like them the way that they are and I think my intro and comment wall are fine. 

I think that this image is an important part of feedback because it is so easy to be critical to yourself in your mind and sometimes you have to stop and take a step back to remind yourself to be positive. 
