Japan: The Eight-Forked Serpent of Koshi
Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917).
- Susa-no-wo grabbed a chopstick from the river
- Since he found a chopstick that must mean that there are people whole live in the country above
- he wonders what kind of people they may be
- He journeyed in to the forest and came upon two elderly looking people and a fair maiden
- They told susa no wo who they were and that the fair maiden was their daughter
- They were both elders and their daughter was a princess
- They had previously lost 8 daughters
- The daughters year after year had been slain and devoured by a monster serpent of Koshi
- They only have one daughter left and they know that she will perish soon
- They explain what they monster looks like to susa no wo
- The monster has 8 arms and is red eyes and an inflamed body and its back is covered in trees and mountains
- Susa no wo says that he will slay the monster as long as he is able to marry the daughter after
- The father and mother agree
- Susa no wo then turned the daughter into a comb and stuck her into his hair
- He goes on to wait for the dreaded monster
- The serpent makes his way over the hill and drinks all the liquor that susa no wo left out for him
- The monster became drunk
- It eventually fell asleep after acting a fool
- Susa no wo then slashed the monster int a thousand fragments
- He then turned the comb back into the women
- They then got married
Susa-No-Wo Slaying the Monster
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