Bengal: A Ghostly Wife
Folk-Tales of Bengal by the Rev. Lal Behari Day, with illustrations by Warwick Goble (1912).
Story and Picture Source
- The Brahman married a wife who lived with his mother
- There was a ghost who lived nearby them – the ghost is a Sankchinni
- The Brahmans wife needed to go to the tank
- She passed by a Sankchinni who was near
- The ghost became very angry with the wife
- He grabbed her by the throat
- Then he climbed a tree and threw her into a hole in the trunk
- The woman almost died of fear
- The ghost put the clothes of the woman on and went into her home
- The Brahman and his mother could not tell the difference
- They both believed the ghost was the wife
- Eventually the mother-in-law saw some changes in her daughter in law
- The daughter in law used to be slow about housework but now she was fast and strong about it
- The mother was happy that she was better at house work now so she said nothing
- Every day the ghost got better and better at doing house work
- The ghost did everything in lightning speed and showed signs of being supernatural
- The mother eventually started to notice that the ghost was doing tricks and participating in supernatural acts
- The mother said nothing to the ghost because she was in shock but she did bring it up to the son
- The son and mother started to pay more attention to the ghost
- They finally put two and two together and realized that the ghost was not who they had believed it was
- They then called an exorcist to get the ghost out of the house
- The ghost ran from the room once the exorcist started his performance
- The exorcist beat the ghost with his shoes when the ghost would not answer his questions
- The ghost them told them that she was a ghost and where they could find the woman
- The woman was almost dead but she was rescued
- The ghost promised to leave the family alone
- They all lived happily ever after
The Ghost and Wife
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