Week 3 Story: Another Pandemic

    The year is 1920. Charlie, a young man in his early twenties, is trying his hardest to stay sane in an insane year. There is currently a pandemic going on due to the Spanish Flu. Everyone is wearing masks and nobody knows when normality will come again. Millions of people have been infected by this deadly flu. Charlie has just finished his schooling and on job hunt but has had no luck. He thinks to himself, “I wish I could just sleep until this is all over”. He is tired of staying home and is not hopeful for his future.

    Charlie is still living at home with his parents. One morning at breakfast, Charlie starts to feel ill after eating. His parents tell him to go to his bedroom and try to sleep it off. Charlie is scared, thinking he may have the flu, even though he never leaves his home. Charlie listens to his parents and goes up to his room. Before he falls into a slumber, he says to himself, “I hope everything will be alright when I wake up”.         

    Charlie sleeps and sleeps longer, and longer. He sleeps for so long, his parents sent him to a hospital to stay because they did not know what was wrong with him. Time passes and he never awakes. The Spanish Flu ends and life returns back to normal but Charlie is still asleep. Until finally one day, he awakes. The year is 2020, he was asleep for 100 years. He had been moved from hospital to hospital. When he wakes up, he in confused. Why is he not in his small bedroom in his parents' home? What are these spectacular machines he is hooked up to? What is this screen with people on it talking about news? Why has fashion changed so much? Charlie has so many questions, he must find someone to talk to. 

    Finally, a nurse walks in. Charlie asks, “how long was I asleep?” “why do I feel so old?’. The nurse tells him he was asleep for 100 years, but not to worry because he should be just fine. She tells him he can be released from the hospital soon; he has relatives who have been waiting to take him home. But he has two more question, “if I’ve been asleep for 100 years, the Spanish flu should be over, correct?”. The nurse tells him, “yes, it ended the year you fell asleep.” Charlies asks one more question, “why are you still wearing a mask then?”. Charlie then learns he is in a brand-new pandemic due to the coronavirus. He then politely tells the nurse, “I would rather be asleep again than go through another pandemic”. She couldn’t imagine going through another pandemic again either, so she secretly slips Charlie into another coma. As Charlie falls back asleep, he thinks to himself, “next time I wake up, please let things be back to normal”.

Authors Note: I started with reading "The Sleep of One Hundred Years". It gave me inspiration to write this story about the pandemic. In "The Sleep of One Hundred Years", an old rabbi goes to sleep after seeing his town completely destroyed by a war. He sleeps for one hundred years. He wakes up as a very old man and everything has changed. His once destroyed world, was beautiful once again. He realizes he does not long belong in this new world and goes back to sleep forever. I made the story relatable to what is happening in current times. Instead of the world being better in one hundred years, it has changed none for Charlie. 

"Sleep of One Hundred Years" by Gertrude Landa, from Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends. 

Image Information: Wear Your Mask to Slow The Spread


  1. Hi Ashten! I love that you were able to use a story and bring in aspects of present day! I definitely would not want to be in Charlie's shoes. I also think you used really good commentary. The one thing I was left wondering, what caused Charlie's sleep in the first place? This could be a detail you left out to keep the audience wondering! Overall, loved your story and the modern day aspects!

  2. Hi Ashten! This was so creative, I loved it! Using the pandemic was genius because who cannot relate to a pandemic right now?? You also did a really good job building suspense as to what the twist would be since the title of the story clued that there would be another pandemic coming. A fun continuation or sequel to this story would be a futuristic story about what he wakes up to next!

  3. Hi Ashten,
    This was a really great story and I love that you catered to what is going on in the world currently. I think you did a great job of explaining the original story from which this one was derived. I can say you did a really good job of underlying some of the same concepts present in the story "The Sleep of One Hundred Years". Also I want to say that I really like image you used it ties together well with the story and the theme of your blog.

  4. Hi Ashten!
    I really like your story. I think that using what is happening right now and putting it into something like this can make it easier to deal with. Did Charlie fall asleep originally because he wished for it? Will he sleep for another one hundred years and then wake up again? What will it be like when he does? Incorporating the pandemic like this was really clever!

  5. Hi Ashten!
    I think your story was super creative and you did such a good job of connecting a historical event to something in the present – it's actually so crazy how the years are 100 years apart, it seemed to fit almost too perfectly. I wonder what it would have been like if he actually decided to leave the hospital and explore this brand new and exciting world instead of going back into a coma? And, was the main character over 100 years old, or did he wake up in like a weird state of him being the same age? You might have mentioned it but I didn't seem to catch on. He never got a chance to see what the world was like – how different and for the better technology and medicine had become. But, overall, I still really love your story and how creative and intuitive it was!


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